Search Results: "Antonio Terceiro"

7 August 2020

Antonio Terceiro: When community service providers fail

I'm starting a new blog, and instead of going into the technical details on how it's made, or on how I migrated my content from the previous ones, I want to focus on why I did it. It's been a while since I have written a blog post. I wanted to get back into it, but also wanted to finally self-host my blog/homepage because I have been let down before. And sadly, I was not let down by a for-profit, privacy invading corporation, but by a free software organization. The sad story of My first blog that was hosted in a blog engine written by me, which was hosted in a TWiki, and later Foswiki instance previously available at, hosted by I was the one who introduced the tool to the organization in the first place. I had come from a previous, very fruitful experience on the use of wikis for creation of educational material while in university, which ultimately led me to become a core TWiki, and then Foswiki developer. In 2004, I had just moved to Porto Alegre, got involved in, and there was a demand for a tool like that. 2 years later, I left Porto Alegre, and some time after that the daily operations of when it became clear that it was not really prepared for remote participation. I was still maintaing the wiki software and the OS for quite some years after, until I wasn't anymore. In 2016, the server that hosted it went haywire, and there were no backups. A lot of people and free software groups lost their content forever. My blog was the least important content in there. To mention just a few examples, here are some groups that lost their content in there: Some of this can still be reached via the Internet Archive Wayback Machine, but that is only useful for recovering content, not for it to be used by the public. The announced tragedy of My next blog after that was hosted at, a Noosfero instance also hosted by When it was introduced in 2010, this Noosfero instance became responsible for the main domain name. This was a bold move by, and was a demonstration of trust in a local free software project, led by a local free software cooperative (Colivre). I was a lead developer in the Noosfero project for a long time, and I was also involved in maintaining that server as well. However, for several years there is little to no investment in maintaining that service. I already expect that it will probably blow up at some point as the wiki did, or that it may be just shut down on purpose. On the responsibility of organizations Today, a large part of wast mot people consider "the internet" is controlled by a handful of corporations. Most popular services on the internet might look like they are gratis (free as in beer), but running those services is definitely not without costs. So when you use services provided by for-profit companies and are not paying for them with money, you are paying with your privacy and attention. Society needs independent organizations to provide alternatives. The market can solve a part of the problem by providing ethical services and charging for them. This is legitimate, and as long as there is transparency about how peoples' data and communications are handled, there is nothing wrong with it. But that only solves part of the problem, as there will always be people who can't afford to pay, and people and communities who can afford to pay, but would rather rely on a nonprofit. That's where community-based services, provided by nonprofits, are also important. We should have more of them, not less. So it makes me worry to realize left the community in the dark. Losing the wiki wasn't even the first event of its kind, as the mailing list server, with years and years of community communications archived in it, broke with no backups in 2012. I do not intend to blame the leadership personally, they are all well meaning and good people. But as an organization, it failed to recognize the importance of this role of service provider. I can even include myself in it: I was member of the board some 15 years ago; I was involved in the deployment of both the wiki and Noosfero, the former as a volunteer and the later professionally. Yet, I did nothing to plan the maintenance of the infrastructure going forward. When well meaning organizations fail, people who are not willing to have their data and communications be exploited for profit are left to their own devices. I can afford a virtual private server, and have the technical knowledge to import my old content into a static website generator, so I did it. But what about all the people who can't, or don't? Of course, these organizations have to solve the challenge of being sustainable, and being able to pay professionals to maintain the services that the community relies on. We should be thankful to these organizations, and their leadership needs to recognize the importance of those services, and actively plan for them to be kept alive.

15 July 2020

Utkarsh Gupta: GSoC Phase 2

Hello, In early May, I got selected as a Google Summer of Code student for Debian to work on a project which is to write a linter (an extension to RuboCop).
This tool is mostly to help the Debian Ruby team. And that is the best part, I love working in/for/with the Ruby team!
(I ve been an active part of the team for 19 months now :)) More details about the project can be found here, on the wiki.
And also, I have got the best mentors I could ve possibly asked for: Antonio Terceiro and David Rodr guez So, the program began on 1st June and I ve been working since then. I log my daily updates at
The blog for the first part of phase 1 can be found here and that of second part of phase 1 can be found here. Whilst the daily updates are available at the above site^, I ll breakdown the important parts here: Well, the best part yet?
rubocop-packaging is being used by batalert, arbre, rspec-stubbed_env, rspec-pending_for, ISO8601, get_root ( ), gir_ffi, linter, and cucumber-rails. Whilst it has been a lot of fun so far, my plate has started to almost overflow. It seems that I ve got a lot of things to work on (and already things that are due!).
From my major project, college *stuff to my GSoC project, Debian (E)LTS, and a lot *more. Thanks to Antonio for helping me out with *other things (which maps back to his sayings in Paris \o/).
Until next time.
:wq for today.

1 July 2020

Utkarsh Gupta: FOSS Activites in June 2020

Here s my (ninth) monthly update about the activities I ve done in the F/L/OSS world.

This was my 16th month of contributing to Debian. I became a DM in late March last year and a DD last Christmas! \o/ This month was a little intense. I did a lot of different kinds of things in Debian this month. Whilst most of my time went on doing security stuff, I also sponsored a bunch of packages. Here are the following things I did this month:

Uploads and bug fixes:

Other $things:
  • Hosted Ruby team meeting. Logs here.
  • Mentoring for newcomers.
  • FTP Trainee reviewing.
  • Moderation of -project mailing list.
  • Sponsored ruby-ast for Abraham, libexif for Hugh, djangorestframework-gis and karlseguin-ccache for Nilesh, and twig-extensions, twig-i18n-extension, and mariadb-mysql-kbs for William.

GSoC Phase 1, Part 2! Last month, I got selected as a Google Summer of Code student for Debian again! \o/
I am working on the Upstream-Downstream Cooperation in Ruby project. The first half of the first month is blogged here, titled, GSoC Phase 1.
Also, I log daily updates at Whilst the daily updates are available at the above site^, I ll breakdown the important parts of the later half of the first month here:
  • Documented the first cop, GemspecGit via PR #2.
  • Made an initial release, v0.1.0!
  • Spread the word/usage about this tool/library via adding them in the official RuboCop docs.
  • We had our third weekly meeting where we discussed the next steps and the things that are supposed to be done for the next set of cops.
  • Wrote more tests so as to cover different aspects of the GemspecGit cop.
  • Opened PR #4 for the next Cop, RequireRelativeToLib.
  • Introduced rubocop-packaging to the outer world and requested other upstream projects to use it! It is being used by 6 other projects already
  • Had our fourth weekly meeting where we pair-programmed (and I sucked :P) and figured out a way to make the second cop work.
  • Found a bug, reported at issue #5 and raised PR #6 to fix it.
  • And finally, people loved the library/tool (and it s outcome):

    (for those who don t know, @bbatsov is the author of RuboCop, @lienvdsteen is an amazing fullstack engineer at GitLab, and @pboling is the author of some awesome Ruby tools and libraries!)

Debian LTS
Debian Long Term Support (LTS) is a project to extend the lifetime of all Debian stable releases to (at least) 5 years. Debian LTS is not handled by the Debian security team, but by a separate group of volunteers and companies interested in making it a success. This was my ninth month as a Debian LTS paid contributor. I was assigned 30.00 hours and worked on the following things:

CVE Fixes and Announcements:

Other LTS Work:
  • Triaged sympa, apache2, qemu, and coturn.
  • Add fix for CVE-2020-0198/libexif.
  • Requested CVE for bug#60251 against apache2 and prodded further.
  • Raised issue #947 against sympa reporting an incomplete patch for CVE-2020-10936. More discussions internally.
  • Created the LTS Survey on the self-hosted LimeSurvey instance.
  • Attended the third LTS meeting. Logs here.
  • General discussion on LTS private and public mailing list.

Sometimes it gets hard to categorize work/things into a particular category.
That s why I am writing all of those things inside this category.
This includes two sub-categories and they are as follows.

Personal: This month I did the following things:
  • Wrote and published v0.1.0 of rubocop-packaging on RubyGems!
    It s open-sourced and the repository is here.
    Bug reports and pull requests are welcomed!
  • Integrated a tiny (yet a powerful) hack to align images in markdown for my blog.
    Commit here.
  • Released v0.4.0 of batalert on RubyGems!

Open Source: Again, this contains all the things that I couldn t categorize earlier.
Opened several issues and PRs:
Thank you for sticking along for so long :) Until next time.
:wq for today.

15 June 2020

Utkarsh Gupta: GSoC Phase 1

Hello, Earlier last month, I got selected as a Google Summer of Code student for Debian again! \o/
And as Chandler would say,
Could I be any more happier?
Well, this time, my project is basically to write a linter (an extension to RuboCop). This tool is mostly to help the Debian Ruby team. And that is the best part, I love working in/for/with the Ruby team!
(I ve been an active part of the team for 18 months now :)) More details about the project can be found here, on the wiki.
And also, I have got the best mentors I could ve possibly asked for: Antonio Terceiro and David Rodr guez So, the program began on 1st June and I ve been working since then. I log my daily updates at Whilst the daily updates are available at the above site^, I ll breakdown the important parts here: It has been a lot of fun so far! Though I am little worried on how to implement the next part of the project as I am not sure how to check only a particalar directory for some relative require calls.
But I think, that s okay, somehow, something will work out. And I can always ask around others and check other cops to see how it s done! \( )/
Until next time.
:wq for today.

1 June 2020

Utkarsh Gupta: FOSS Activites in May 2020

Here s my (eighth) monthly update about the activities I ve done in the F/L/OSS world.

This month marks my 15 months of contributing to Debian. And 6th month as a DD! \o/ Whilst I love doing Debian stuff, I have started spending more time on the programming side now. And I hope to keep it this for some time now.
Of course, I ll keep doing the Debian stuff, but just lesser in amount. Anyway, the following are the things I did in May.


Other $things:
  • Hosted Ruby team meeting. Logs here.
  • Attended Debian Perl Sprints. Report here.
  • Sponsored git-repo-updater and mplcursors for Sudip.
  • Mentoring for newcomers.
  • FTP Trainee reviewing.
  • Moderation of -project mailing list.
  • Got selected for GSoC 20 for Debian!

Experimenting and improving Ruby libraries FTW!
I have been very heavily involved with the Debian Ruby team for over an year now.
Thanks to Antonio Terceiro (and GSoC), I ve started experimenting and taking more interest in upstream development and improvement of these libraries. This has the sole purpose of learning. It has gotten fun since I ve started doing Ruby.
And I hope it stays this way. This month, I opened some issues and proposed a few pull requests. They are:
  • Issue #802 against whenever for Ruby2.7 test failures.
  • Issue #8 against aggregate asking upstream for a release on rubygems.
  • Issue #104 against irb for asking more about Array.join("\n").
  • Issue #1391 against mail asking upstream to cut a new release.
  • Issue #1655 against rack reporting test failures in the CVE fix.
  • Issue #84 against ruby-dbus for help with Debian bug #836296.
  • Issue #85 against ruby-dbus asking if they still use rDoc for doc generation.
  • PR #9 against aggregate for dropping git from gemspec.
  • PR #804 against whenever for dropping git from gemspec.
  • Packaged ruby-cmath as it was split from Ruby2.7; cf: (#961213).

Debian LTS
Debian Long Term Support (LTS) is a project to extend the lifetime of all Debian stable releases to (at least) 5 years. Debian LTS is not handled by the Debian security team, but by a separate group of volunteers and companies interested in making it a success. This was my eighth month as a Debian LTS paid contributor. I was assigned 17.25 hours and worked on the following things:

CVE Fixes and Announcements:

Other LTS Work:
  • Triaged tika, freerdp, and apache2.
  • Mark CVE-2020-12105/openconnect as no-dsa not-affected for Jessie.
  • Mark CVE-2020-9489/tika as no-dsa ignored for Jessie.
  • Mark CVE-2020-11025/wordpres as not-affected for Jessie.
  • Add fix for Add fix for CVE-2019-18823/condor.
  • Requested CVE for bug#60251 against apache2.
  • Raised issue #947 against sympa reporting an incomplete patch for CVE-2020-10936.
  • Created the LTS Survey on the self-hosted LimeSurvey instance.
  • Attended the second LTS meeting. Logs here.
  • General discussion on LTS private and public mailing list.

Sometimes it gets hard to categorize work/things into a particular category.
That s why I am writing all of those things inside this category.
This includes two sub-categories and they are as follows.

Personal: This month I could get the following things done:
  • Wrote and published my first Ruby gem/library/tool on RubyGems!
    It s open-sourced and the repository is here.
    Bug reports and pull requests are welcomed!
  • Wrote a small Ruby script (available here) to install Ruby gems from Gemfile(.lock).
    Needed this when I hit a bug while using ruby-standalone, which Antonio fixed pretty quickly!
  • Had a coffee chat with John Coghlan!
    Tweet here.

Open Source: Again, this contains all the things that I couldn t categorize earlier.
Opened several issues and did a PR review:
  • Issue #15434 against phantomjs, asking to look into CVE-2019-17221. Still no action :/
  • Issue #947 against sympa, reporting an incomplete patch for CVE-2020-10936.
  • Issue #2102 against polybar, mentioning that the build is not reproducible.
  • Issue #5521 against libgit2, mentioning that the build is not reproducible.
  • Reviewed PR #5523 for polybar, which was a fix for the above issue.

Until next time.
:wq for today.

29 May 2020

Gunnar Wolf: Heads up Online MiniDebConf is Online

I know most Debian people know about this already But in case you don t follow the usual Debian communications channels, this might interest you! Given most of the world is still under COVID-19 restrictions, and that we want to work on Debian, given there is no certainty as to what the future holds in store for us Our DPL fearless as they always are had the bold initiative to make this weekend into the first-ever miniDebConf Online (MDCO)! miniDebConf Online So, we are already halfway through DebCamp (which means, you can come and hang out with us in the DebCamp Jitsi lounge, where some impromptu presentations might happen (or not). Starting tomorrow morning (11AM UTC), we will have a quite interesting set of talks. I am reproducing the schedule here:

Saturday 2020.05.30
Time (UTC) Speaker Talk
11:00 - 11:10 MDCO team members Hello + Welcome
11:30 - 11:50 Wouter Verhelst Extrepo
12:00 - 12:45 JP Mengual Debian France, trust european organization
13:00 - 13:20 Arnaud Ferraris Bringing Debian to mobile phones, one package at a time
13:30 - 15:00 Lunch Break A chance for the teams to catch some air
15:00 - 15:45 JP Mengual The community team, United Nations Organizations of Debian?
16:00 - 16:45 Christoph Biedl Clevis and tang - overcoming the disk unlocking problem
17:00 - 17:45 Antonio Terceiro I m a programmer, how can I help Debian

Sunday 2020.05.31
Time (UTC) Speaker Talk
11:00 - 11:45 Andreas Tille The effect of Covid-19 on the Debian Med project
12:00 - 12:45 Paul Gevers BoF: running autopkgtest for your package
13:00 - 13:20 Ben Hutchings debplate: Build many binary packages with templates
13:30 - 15:00 Lunch break A chance for the teams to catch some air
15:00 - 15:45 Holger Levsen Reproducing bullseye in practice
16:00 - 16:45 Jonathan Carter Striving towards excellence
17:00 - 17:45 Delib* Organizing Peer-to-Peer Debian Facilitation Training
18:00 - 18:15 MDCO team members Closing
  • subject to confirmation

Timezone Remember this is an online event, meant for all of the world! Yes, the chosen times seem quite Europe-centric (but they are mostly a function of the times the talk submitters requested). Talks are 11:00 18:00UTC, which means, 06:00 13:00 Mexico (GMT-5), 20:00 03:00 Japan (GMT+9), 04:00 11:00 Western Canada/USA/Mexico (GMT-7) and the rest of the world, somewhere in between. (No, this was clearly not optimized for our dear usual beer team. Sorry! I guess we need you to be fully awake at beertime!)

[update] Connecting! Of course, I didn t make it clear at first how to connect to the Online miniDebConf, silly me!
  • The video streams are available at:
  • Suggested: tune in to the #minidebconf-online IRC channel in OFTC.
That should be it. Hope to see you there! (Stay home, stay safe )

Gunnar Wolf: Heads up Online MiniDebConf is Online

I know most Debian people know about this already But in case you don t follow the usual Debian communications channels, this might interest you! Given most of the world is still under COVID-19 restrictions, and that we want to work on Debian, given there is no certainty as to what the future holds in store for us Our DPL fearless as they always are had the bold initiative to make this weekend into the first-ever miniDebConf Online (MDCO)! miniDebConf Online So, we are already halfway through DebCamp (which means, you can come and hang out with us in the DebCamp Jitsi lounge, where some impromptu presentations might happen (or not). Starting tomorrow morning (11AM UTC), we will have a quite interesting set of talks. I am reproducing the schedule here:

Saturday 2020.05.30
Time (UTC) Speaker Talk
11:00 - 11:10 MDCO team members Hello + Welcome
11:30 - 11:50 Wouter Verhelst Extrepo
12:00 - 12:45 JP Mengual Debian France, trust european organization
13:00 - 13:20 Arnaud Ferraris Bringing Debian to mobile phones, one package at a time
13:30 - 15:00 Lunch Break A chance for the teams to catch some air
15:00 - 15:45 JP Mengual The community team, United Nations Organizations of Debian?
16:00 - 16:45 Christoph Biedl Clevis and tang - overcoming the disk unlocking problem
17:00 - 17:45 Antonio Terceiro I m a programmer, how can I help Debian

Sunday 2020.05.31
Time (UTC) Speaker Talk
11:00 - 11:45 Andreas Tille The effect of Covid-19 on the Debian Med project
12:00 - 12:45 Paul Gevers BoF: running autopkgtest for your package
13:00 - 13:20 Ben Hutchings debplate: Build many binary packages with templates
13:30 - 15:00 Lunch break A chance for the teams to catch some air
15:00 - 15:45 Holger Levsen Reproducing bullseye in practice
16:00 - 16:45 Jonathan Carter Striving towards excellence
17:00 - 17:45 Delib* Organizing Peer-to-Peer Debian Facilitation Training
18:00 - 18:15 MDCO team members Closing
  • subject to confirmation

Timezone Remember this is an online event, meant for all of the world! Yes, the chosen times seem quite Europe-centric (but they are mostly a function of the times the talk submitters requested). Talks are 11:00 18:00UTC, which means, 06:00 13:00 Mexico (GMT-5), 20:00 03:00 Japan (GMT+9), 04:00 11:00 Western Canada/USA/Mexico (GMT-7) and the rest of the world, somewhere in between. (No, this was clearly not optimized for our dear usual beer team. Sorry! I guess we need you to be fully awake at beertime!)

[update] Connecting! Of course, I didn t make it clear at first how to connect to the Online miniDebConf, silly me!
  • The video streams are available at:
  • Suggested: tune in to the #minidebconf-online IRC channel in OFTC.
That should be it. Hope to see you there! (Stay home, stay safe )

9 October 2017

Antonio Terceiro: pristine-tar updates

Introduction pristine-tar is a tool that is present in the workflow of a lot of Debian people. I adopted it last year after it has been orphaned by its creator Joey Hess. A little after that Tomasz Buchert joined me and we are now a functional two-person team. pristine-tar goals are to import the content of a pristine upstream tarball into a VCS repository, and being able to later reconstruct that exact same tarball, bit by bit, based on the contents in the VCS, so we don t have to store a full copy of that tarball. This is done by storing a binary delta files which can be used to reconstruct the original tarball from a tarball produced with the contents of the VCS. Ultimately, we want to make sure that the tarball that is uploaded to Debian is exactly the same as the one that has been downloaded from upstream, without having to keep a full copy of it around if all of its contents is already extracted in the VCS anyway. The current state of the art, and perspectives for the future pristine-tar solves a wicked problem, because our ability to reconstruct the original tarball is affected by changes in the behavior of tar and of all of the compression tools (gzip, bzip2, xz) and by what exact options were used when creating the original tarballs. Because of this, pristine-tar currently has a few embedded copies of old versions of compressors to be able to reconstruct tarballs produced by them, and also rely on a ever-evolving patch to tar that is been carried in Debian for a while. So basically keeping pristine-tar working is a game of Whac-A-Mole. Joey provided a good summary of the situation when he orphaned pristine-tar. Going forward, we may need to rely on other ways of ensuring integrity of upstream source code. That could take the form of signed git tags, signed uncompressed tarballs (so that the compression doesn t matter), or maybe even a different system for storing actual tarballs. Debian bug #871806 contains an interesting discussion on this topic. Recent improvements Even if keeping pristine-tar useful in the long term will be hard, too much of Debian work currently relies on it, so we can t just abandon it. Instead, we keep figuring out ways to improve. And I have good news: pristine-tar has recently received updates that improve the situation quite a bit. In order to be able to understand how better we are getting at it, I created a "visualization of the regression test suite results. With the help of data from there, let s look at the improvements made since pristine-tar 1.38, which was the version included in stretch. pristine-tar 1.39: xdelta3 by default. This was the first release made after the stretch release, and made xdelta3 the default delta generator for newly-imported tarballs. Existing tarballs with deltas produced by xdelta are still supported, this only affects new imports. The support for having multiple delta generator was written by Tomasz, and was already there since 1.35, but we decided to only flip the switch after using xdelta3 was supported in a stable release. pristine-tar 1.40: improved compression heuristics pristine-tar uses a few heuristics to produce the smaller delta possible, and this includes trying different compression options. In the release Tomasz included a contribution by Lennart Sorensen to also try the --gnu, which gretly improved the support for rsyncable gzip compressed files. We can see an example of the type of improvement we got in the regression test suite data for delta sizes for faad2_2.6.1.orig.tar.gz: In 1.40, the delta produced from the test tarball faad2_2.6.1.orig.tar.gz went down from 800KB, almost the same size of tarball itself, to 6.8KB pristine-tar 1.41: support for signatures This release saw the addition of support for storage and retrieval of upstream signatures, contributed by Chris Lamb. pristine-tar 1.42: optionally recompressing tarballs I had this idea and wanted to try it out: most of our problems reproducing tarballs come from tarballs produced with old compressors, or from changes in compressor behavior, or from uncommon compression options being used. What if we could just recompress the tarballs before importing then? Yes, this kind of breaks the pristine bit of the whole business, but on the other hand, 1) the contents of the tarball are not affected, and 2) even if the initial tarball is not bit by bit the same that upstream release, at least future uploads of that same upstream version with Debian revisions can be regenerated just fine. In some cases, as the case for the test tarball util-linux_2.30.1.orig.tar.xz, recompressing is what makes it possible to reproduce the tarball (and thus import it with pristine-tar) possible at all: util-linux_2.30.1.orig.tar.xz can only be imported after being recompressed In other cases, if the current heuristics can t produce a reasonably small delta, recompressing makes a huge difference. It s the case for mumble_1.1.8.orig.tar.gz: with recompression, the delta produced from mumble_1.1.8.orig.tar.gz goes from 1.2MB, or 99% of the size to the original tarball, to 14.6KB, 1% of the size of original tarball Recompressing is not enabled by default, and can be enabled by passing the --recompress option. If you are using pristine-tar via a wrapper tool like gbp-buildpackage, you can use the $PRISTINE_TAR environment variable to set options that will affect any pristine-tar invocations. Also, even if you enable recompression, pristine-tar will only try it if the delta generations fails completely, of if the delta produced from the original tarball is too large. You can control what too large means by using the --recompress-threshold-bytes and --recompress-threshold-percent options. See the pristine-tar(1) manual page for details.

14 August 2017

Antonio Terceiro: Debconf17

I m back from Debconf17. I gave a talk entitled Patterns for Testing Debian Packages , in which I presented a collection of 7 patterns I documented while pushing the Debian Continuous Integration project, and were published in a 2016 paper. Video recording and a copy of the slides are available. I also hosted the ci/autopkgtest BoF session, in which we discussed issues around the usage of autopkgtest within Debian, the CI system, etc. Video recording is available. Kudos for the Debconf video team for making the recordings available so quickly!

14 June 2017

Antoine Beaupr : Alioth moving toward pagure

Since 2003, the Debian project has been running a server called Alioth to host source code version control systems. The server will hit the end of life of the Debian LTS release (Wheezy) next year; that deadline raised some questions regarding the plans for the server over the coming years. Naturally, that led to a discussion regarding possible replacements. In response, the current Alioth maintainer, Alexander Wirt, announced a sprint to migrate to pagure, a free-software "Git-centered forge" written in Python for the Fedora project, which LWN covered last year. Alioth currently runs FusionForge, previously known as GForge, which is the free-software fork of the SourceForge code base when that service closed its source in 2001. Alioth hosts source code repositories, mainly Git and Subversion (SVN) and, like other "forge" sites, also offers forums, issue trackers, and mailing list services. While other alternatives are still being evaluated, a consensus has emerged on a migration plan from FusionForage to a more modern and minimal platform based on pagure.

Why not GitLab? While this may come as a surprise to some who would expect Debian to use the more popular GitLab project, the discussion and decision actually took place a while back. During a lengthy debate last year, Debian contributors discussed the relative merits of different code-hosting platforms, following the initiative of Debian Developer "Pirate" Praveen Arimbrathodiyil to package GitLab for Debian. At that time, Praveen also got a public GitLab instance running for Debian (, which was sponsored by GitLab B.V. the commercial entity behind the GitLab project. The sponsorship was originally offered in 2015 by the GitLab CEO, presumably to counter a possible move to GitHub, as there was a discussion about creating a GitHub Organization for Debian at the time. The deployment of a Debian-specific GitLab instance then raised the question of the overlap with the already existing service, which is backed by Alioth's FusionForge deployment. It then seemed natural that the new GitLab instance would replace Alioth. But when Praveen directly proposed to move to GitLab, Wirt stepped in and explained that a migration plan was already in progress. The plan then was to migrate to a simpler gitolite-based setup, a decision that was apparently made in corridor discussions surrounding the Alioth Git replacement BoF held during Debconf 2015. The first objection raised by Wirt against GitLab was its "huge number of dependencies". Another issue Wirt identified was the "open core / enterprise model", preferring a "real open source system", an opinion which seems shared by other participants on the mailing list. Wirt backed his concerns with an hypothetical example:
Debian needs feature X but it is already in the enterprise version. We make a patch and, for commercial reasons, it never gets merged (they already sell it in the enterprise version). Which means we will have to fork the software and keep those patches forever. Been there done that. For me, that isn't acceptable.
This concern was further deepened when GitLab's Director of Strategic Partnerships, Eliran Mesika, explained the company's stewardship policy that explains how GitLab decides which features end up in the proprietary version. Praveen pointed out that:
[...] basically it boils down to features that they consider important for organizations with less than 100 developers may get accepted. I see that as a red flag for a big community like debian.
Since there are over 600 Debian Developers, the community seems to fall within the needs of "enterprise" users. The features the Debian community may need are, by definition, appropriate only to the "Enterprise Edition" (GitLab EE), the non-free version, and are therefore unlikely to end up in the "Community Edition" (GitLab CE), the free-software version. Interestingly, Mesika asked for clarification on which features were missing, explaining that GitLab is actually open to adding features to GitLab CE. The response from Debian Developer Holger Levsen was categorical: "It's not about a specific patch. Free GitLab and we can talk again." But beyond the practical and ethical concerns, some specific features Debian needs are currently only in GitLab EE. For example, systems use LDAP for authentication, which would obviously be useful in a GitLab deployment; GitLab CE supports basic LDAP authentication, but advanced features, like group or SSH-key synchronization, are only available in GitLab EE. Wirt also expressed concern about the Contributor License Agreement that GitLab B.V. requires contributors to sign when they send patches, which forces users to allow the release of their code under a non-free license. The debate then went on going through a exhaustive inventory of different free-software alternatives:
  • GitLab, a Ruby-based GitHub replacement, dual-licensed MIT/Commercial
  • Gogs, Go, MIT
  • Gitblit, Java, Apache-licensed
  • Kallithea, in Python, also supports Mercurial, GPLv3
  • and finally, pagure, also written Python, GPLv2
A feature comparison between each project was created in the Debian wiki as well. In the end, however, Praveen gave up on replacing Alioth with GitLab because of the controversy and moved on to support the pagure migration, which resolved the discussion in July 2016. More recently, Wirt admitted in an IRC conversation that "on the technical side I like GitLab a lot more than pagure" and that "as a user, GitLab is much nicer than pagure and it has those nice CI [continuous integration] features". However, as he explained in his blog "GitLab is Opencore, [and] that it is not entirely opensource. I don't think we should use software licensed under such a model for one of our core services" which leaves pagure as the only stable candidate. Other candidates were excluded on technical grounds, according to Wirt: Gogs "doesn't scale well" and a quick security check didn't yield satisfactory results; "Gitblit is Java" and Kallithea doesn't have support for accessing repositories over SSH (although there is a pending pull request to add the feature). In an email interview, Sid Sijbrandij, CEO of GitLab, did say that "we want to make sure that our open source edition can be used by open source projects". He gave examples of features liberated following requests by the community, such as branded login pages for the VLC project and GitLab Pages after popular demand. He stressed that "There are no artificial limits in our open source edition and some organizations use it with more than 20.000 users." So if the concern of the Debian community is that features may be missing from GitLab CE, there is definitely an opening from GitLab to add those features. If, however, the concern is purely ethical, it's hard to see how an agreement could be reached. As Sijbrandij put it:
On the mailinglist it seemed that some Debian maintainers do not agree with our open core business model and demand that there is no proprietary version. We respect that position but we don't think we can compete with the purely proprietary software like GitHub with this model.

Working toward a pagure migration The issue of Alioth maintenance came up again last month when Boyuan Yang asked what would happen to Alioth when support for Debian LTS (Wheezy) ends next year. Wirt brought up the pagure migration proposal and the community tried to make a plan for the migration. One of the issues raised was the question of the non-Git repositories hosted on Alioth, as pagure, like GitLab, only supports Git. Indeed, Ben Hutchings calculated that while 90% (\~19,000) of the repositories currently on Alioth are Git, there are 2,400 SVN repositories and a handful of Mercurial, Bazaar (bzr), Darcs, Arch, and even CVS repositories. As part of an informal survey, however, most packaging teams explained they either had already migrated away from SVN to Git or were in the process of doing so. The largest CVS user, the web site team, also explained it was progressively migrating to Git. Mattia Rizzolo then proposed that older repository services like SVN could continue running even if FusionForge goes down, as FusionForge is, after all, just a web interface to manage those back-end services. Repository creation would be disabled, but older repositories would stay operational until they migrate to Git. This would, effectively, mean the end of non-Git repository support for new projects in the Debian community, at least officially. Another issue is the creation of a Debian package for pagure. Ironically, while Praveen and other Debian maintainers have been working for 5 years to package GitLab for Debian, pagure isn't packaged yet. Antonio Terceiro, another Debian Developer, explained this isn't actually a large problem for services: "note that DSA [Debian System Administrator team] does not need/want the service software itself packaged, only its dependencies". Indeed, for Debian-specific code bases like or, it may not make sense to have the overhead of maintaining Debian packages since those tools have limited use outside of the Debian project directly. While Debian derivatives and other distributions could reuse them, what usually happens is that other distributions roll their own software, like Ubuntu did with the Launchpad project. Still, Paul Wise, a member of the DSA team, reasoned that it was better, in the long term, to have Debian packages for services:
Personally I'm leaning towards the feeling that all configuration, code and dependencies for Debian services should be packaged and subjected to the usual Debian QA activities but I acknowledge that the current archive setup (testing migration plus backporting etc) doesn't necessarily make this easy.
Wise did say that "DSA doesn't have any hard rules/policy written down, just evaluation on a case-by-case basis" which probably means that pagure packaging will not be a blocker for deployment. The last pending issue is the question of the mailing lists hosted on Alioth, as pagure doesn't offer mailing list management (nor does GitLab). In fact, there are three different mailing list services for the Debian project: Wirt, with his "list-master hat" on, explained that the main mailing list service is "not really suited as a self-service" and expressed concern at the idea of migrating the large number mailing lists hosted on Alioth. Indeed, there are around 1,400 lists on Alioth while the main service has a set of 300 lists selected by the list masters. No solution for those mailing lists was found at the time of this writing. In the end, it seems like the Debian project has chosen pagure, the simpler, less featureful, but also less controversial, solution and will use the same hosting software as their fellow Linux distribution, Fedora. Wirt is also considering using FreeIPA for account management on top of pagure. The plan is to migrate away from FusionForge one bit at a time, and pagure is the solution for the first step: the Git repositories. Lists, other repositories, and additional features of FusionForge will be dealt with later on, but Wirt expects a plan to come out of the upcoming sprint. It will also be interesting to see how the interoperability promises of pagure will play out in the Debian world. Even though the federation features of pagure are still at the early stages, one can already clone issues and pull requests as Git repositories, which allows for a crude federation mechanism. In any case, given the long history and the wide variety of workflows in the Debian project, it is unlikely that a single tool will solve all problems. Alioth itself has significant overlap with other Debian services; not only does it handle mailing lists and forums, but it also has its own issue tracker that overlaps with the Debian bug tracking system (BTS). This is just the way things are in Debian: it is an old project with lots of moving part. As Jonathan Dowland put it: "The nature of the project is loosely-coupled, some redundancy, lots of legacy cruft, and sadly more than one way to do it." Hopefully, pagure will not become part of that "legacy redundant cruft". But at this point, the focus is on keeping the services running in a simpler, more maintainable way. The discussions between Debian and GitLab are still going on as we speak, but given how controversial the "open core" model used by GitLab is for the Debian community, pagure does seem like a more logical alternative.
Note: this article first appeared in the Linux Weekly News.

28 May 2017

Antonio Terceiro: Debian CI: new data retention policy

When I started debci for Debian CI, I went for the simplest thing that could possibly work. One of the design decisions was to use the filesystem directly for file storage. A large part of the Debian CI data is log files and test artifacts (which are just files), and using the filesystem directly for storage makes it a lot easier to handle it. The rest of the data which is structured (test history and status of packages) is stored as JSON files. Another nice benefit of using the filesystem like this is that I get a sort of REST API for free by just exposing the file storage to the web. For example, getting the latest test status of debci itself on unstable/amd64 is as easy as:

$ curl
  "run_id": "20170528_173652",
  "package": "debci",
  "version": "1.5.1",
  "date": "2017-05-28 17:43:05",
  "status": "pass",
  "blame": [],
  "previous_status": "pass",
  "duration_seconds": "373",
  "duration_human": "0h 6m 13s",
  "message": "Tests passed, but at least one test skipped",
  "last_pass_version": "1.5.1",
  "last_pass_date": "2017-05-28 17:43:05"

Now, nothing in life is without compromises. One big disadvantage of the way debci stored its data is that there were a lot of files, which ends up using a large number of inodes in the filesystem. The current Debian CI master has more than 10 million inodes in its filesystem, and almost all of them were being used. This is clearly unsustainable. You will notice that I said stored, because as of version 1.6, debci now implements a data retention policy: log files and test artifacts will now only be kept for a configurable amount of days (default: 180). So there you have it: effective immediately, Debian CI will not provide logs and test artifacts older than 180 days. If you are reporting bugs based on logs from Debian CI, please don t hotlink the log files. Instead, make sure you download the logs in question and attach them to the bug report, because in 6 months they will be gone.

17 March 2017

Antonio Terceiro: Patterns for Testing Debian Packages

At the and of 2016 I had the pleasure to attend the 11th Latin American Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs, a.k.a SugarLoaf PLoP. PLoP is a series of conferences on Patterns (as in Design Patterns ), a subject that I appreciate a lot. Each of the PLoP conferences but the original main big conference has a funny name. SugarLoaf PLoP is called that way because its very first edition was held in Rio de Janeiro, so the organizers named it after a very famous mountain in Rio. The name stuck even though a long time has passed since it was held in Rio for the last time. 2016 was actually the first time SugarLoaf PLoP was held outside of Brazil, finally justifying the Latin American part of its name. I was presenting a paper I wrote on patterns for testing Debian packages. The Debian project funded my travel expenses through the generous donations of its supporters. PLoP s are very fun conferences with a relaxed atmosphere, and is amazing how many smart (and interesting!) people gather together for them. My paper is titled Patterns for Writing As-Installed Tests for Debian Packages , and has the following abstract:
Large software ecosystems, such as GNU/Linux distributions, demand a large amount of effort to make sure all of its components work correctly invidually, and also integrate correctly with each other to form a coherent system. Automated Quality Assurance techniques can prevent issues from reaching end users. This paper presents a pattern language originated in the Debian project for automated software testing in production-like environments. Such environments are closer in similarity to the environment where software will be actually deployed and used, as opposed to the development environment under which developers and regular Continuous Integration mechanisms usually test software products. The pattern language covers the handling of issues arising from the difference between development and production-like environments, as well as solutions for writing new, exclusive tests for as-installed functional tests. Even though the patterns are documented here in the context of the Debian project, they can also be generalized to other contexts.
In practical terms, the paper documents a set of patterns I have noticed in the last few years, when I have been pushing the Debian Continous Integration project. It should be an interesting read for people interested in the testing of Debian packages in their installed form, as done with autopkgtest. It should also be useful for people from other distributions interested in the subject, as the issues are not really Debian-specific. I have recently finished the final version of the paper, which should be published in the ACM Digital Library at any point now. You can download a copy of the paper in PDF. Source is also available, if you are into markdown, LaTeX, makefiles and this sort of thing. If everything goes according to plan, I should be presenting a talk on this at the next Debconf in Montreal.

6 October 2016

Reproducible builds folks: Reproducible Builds: week 75 in Stretch cycle

What happened in the Reproducible Builds effort between Sunday September 25 and Saturday October 1 2016: Statistics For the first time, we reached 91% reproducible packages in our testing framework on testing/amd64 using a determistic build path. (This is what we recommend to make packages in Stretch reproducible.) For unstable/amd64, where we additionally test for reproducibility across different build paths we are at almost 76% again. IRC meetings We have a poll to set a time for a new regular IRC meeting. If you would like to attend, please input your available times and we will try to accommodate for you. There was a trial IRC meeting on Friday, 2016-09-31 1800 UTC. Unfortunately, we did not activate meetbot. Despite this participants consider the meeting a success as several topics where discussed (eg changes to IRC notifications of tests.r-b.o) and the meeting stayed within one our length. Upcoming events Reproduce and Verify Filesystems - Vincent Batts, Red Hat - Berlin (Germany), 5th October, 14:30 - 15:20 @ LinuxCon + ContainerCon Europe 2016. From Reproducible Debian builds to Reproducible OpenWrt, LEDE & coreboot - Holger "h01ger" Levsen and Alexander "lynxis" Couzens - Berlin (Germany), 13th October, 11:00 - 11:25 @ OpenWrt Summit 2016. Introduction to Reproducible Builds - Vagrant Cascadian will be presenting at the Conference In Seattle (USA), November 11th-12th, 2016. Previous events GHC Determinism - Bartosz Nitka, Facebook - Nara (Japan), 24th September, ICPF 2016. Toolchain development and fixes Michael Meskes uploaded bsdmainutils/9.0.11 to unstable with a fix for #830259 based on Reiner Herrmann's patch. This fixed locale_dependent_symbol_order_by_lorder issue in the affected packages (freebsd-libs, mmh). devscripts/2.16.8 was uploaded to unstable. It includes a debrepro script by Antonio Terceiro which is similar in purpose to reprotest but more lightweight; specific to Debian packages and without support for virtual servers or configurable variations. Packages reviewed and fixed, and bugs filed The following updated packages have become reproducible in our testing framework after being fixed: The following updated packages appear to be reproducible now for reasons we were not able to figure out. (Relevant changelogs did not mention reproducible builds.) Some uploads have addressed some reproducibility issues, but not all of them: Patches submitted that have not made their way to the archive yet: Reviews of unreproducible packages 77 package reviews have been added, 178 have been updated and 80 have been removed in this week, adding to our knowledge about identified issues. 6 issue types have been updated: Weekly QA work As part of reproducibility testing, FTBFS bugs have been detected and reported by: diffoscope development A new version of diffoscope 61 was uploaded to unstable by Chris Lamb. It included contributions from: Post-release there were further contributions from: reprotest development A new version of reprotest 0.3.2 was uploaded to unstable by Ximin Luo. It included contributions from: Post-release there were further contributions from: Misc. This week's edition was written by Ximin Luo, Holger Levsen & Chris Lamb and reviewed by a bunch of Reproducible Builds folks on IRC.

7 September 2016

Antonio Terceiro: Debian CI updates for September 2016

debci 1.4 was released just a few days ago. Among general improvements, I would like to highlight: has been upgraded to debci 1.4 just after that. At the same time I have also upgraded autodep8 and autopkgtest to their latest versions, available in jessie-backports. This means that it is now safe for Debian packages to assume the changes in autopkgtest 4.0 are available, in special the $AUTOPKGTEST_* environment variables. In other news, for several weeks there were had issues with tests not being scheduled when they should have. I was just assuming that the issue was due to the existing test scheduler, debci-batch, being broken. Today I was working on a new implementation that is going to be a lot faster, I started to hit a similar issue on my local tests, and finally realized what was wrong. The fact is that debci-batch stores the timestamp of the last time a package has been scheduled to run, and it there are no test result after that timestamp, it assumes the package is still in the queue to be tested, and does not schedule it again. It turns out that a few weeks ago, during maintainance work, I had cleared the queue, discarding all jobs that were there, but forgot to reset those timestamps, so when debci-batch came around again, it checked the timestamp of the last request and did not make new requests because there was no test result after that timestamp! I cleared all those timestamps, and the system should now go back to normal. That is it for now. I you want to contribute to the Debian CI project and want to get in touch, you can pop up on the #debci channel on the OFTC IRC network, or mail the autopkgtest-devel mailing list.

Reproducible builds folks: Reproducible Builds: week 71 in Stretch cycle

What happened in the Reproducible Builds effort between Sunday August 28 and Saturday September 3 2016: Media coverage Antonio Terceiro blogged about testing build reprodubility with debrepro . GSoC and Outreachy updates The next round is being planned now: see their page with a timeline and participating organizations listing. Maybe you want to participate this time? Then please reach out to us as soon as possible! Packages reviewed and fixed, and bugs filed The following packages have addressed reproducibility issues in other packages: The following updated packages have become reproducible in our current test setup after being fixed: The following updated packages appear to be reproducible now, for reasons we were not able to figure out yet. (Relevant changelogs did not mention reproducible builds.) The following 4 packages were not changed, but have become reproducible due to changes in their build-dependencies: Some uploads have addressed some reproducibility issues, but not all of them: Patches submitted that have not made their way to the archive yet: Reviews of unreproducible packages 706 package reviews have been added, 22 have been updated and 16 have been removed in this week, adding to our knowledge about identified issues. 5 issue types have been added: 1 issue type has been updated: Weekly QA work FTBFS bugs have been reported by: diffoscope development diffoscope development on the next version (60) continued in git, taking in contributions from: strip-nondeterminism development Mattia Rizzolo uploaded strip-nondeterminism 0.023-2~bpo8+1 to jessie-backports. A new version of strip-nondeterminism 0.024-1 was uploaded to unstable by Chris Lamb. It included contributions from: Holger added jobs on to run testsuites on every commit. There is one job for the master branch and one for the other branches. disorderfs development Holger added jobs on to run testsuites on every commit. There is one job for the master branch and one for the other branches. Debian: We now vary the GECOS records of the two build users. Thanks to Paul Wise for providing the patch. Misc. This week's edition was written by Ximin Luo, Holger Levsen & Chris Lamb and reviewed by a bunch of Reproducible Builds folks on IRC.

3 September 2016

Antonio Terceiro: testing build reprodubility with debrepro

Earlier today I was handling a reproducibility bug and decided I had to try a reproducibility test by myself. I tried reprotest, but I was being hit by a disorderfs issue and I was not sure whether the problem was with reprotest or not (at this point I cannot reproduce that anymore). So I decided to hack a simple script to that, and it works. I even included it in devscripts after writing a manpage. Of course reprotest is more complete, extensible, and supports arbitrary virtualization backends for doing the more dangerous/destructive variations (such as changing the hostname and other things that require root) but for quick tests debrepro does the job. Usage examples:

$ debrepro                                 # builds current directory
$ debrepro /path/to/sourcepackage          # builds package there
$ gbp-buildpackage --git-builder=debrepro  # can be used with vcs wrappers as well

debrepro will do two builds with a few variations between them, including $USER, $PATH, timezone, locale, umask, current time, and will even build under disorderfs if available. Build path variation is also performed because by definition the builds are done in different directories. If diffoscope is installed, it will be used for deep comparison of non-matching binaries. If you are interested and don t want to build devscripts from source or wait for the next release, you can just grab the script, save it as debrepro somewhere on your $PATH and make it executable.

29 July 2016

Luciano Prestes Cavalcanti: Contributing with Debian Recommendation System

Hi, my name is Luciano Prestes, I am participating in the program Google Summer of Code (GSoC), my mentor is Antonio Terceiro, and my co-mentor is Tassia Camoes, both are Debian Developers. The project that I am contributing is the AppRecommender, which is a package recommender for Debian systems, my goal is to add a new strategy of recommendation to AppRecommender, to make it recommend packages after the user installs a new package with 'apt'.
At principle AppRecommender has three recommendation strategies, being them, content-based, collaborative and hybrid. To my work on GSoC this text explains two of these strategies, content-based and collaborative. Content-based strategy get the user packages and analyzes yours descriptions to find another Debian packages that they are similar to the user packages, so AppRecommender uses the content of user packages to recommender similar packages to user. The collaborative strategy compare the user packages with the packages of another users, and then recommends packages that users with similar profile have, where a profile of user is your packages. On her work, Tassia Camoes uses the popularity-contest data to compare the users profiles on the collaborative strategy, the popularity-contest is an application that get the users packages into a submission and send to the popularity-contest server and generates statistical data analyzing the users packages.
I have been working with a classmate on our bachelor thesis since August 2015, in our work we created new strategies to AppRecommender, one using machine-learning and another using a deterministic method to generates the recommendation, another feature that we implemented its improve the user profile using the recently used packages to makes the profile. During our work we study the collaborative strategy and analyzed that strategy and remove it from AppRecommender, because this implementation of collaborative strategy needs to get the popularity-contest submissions on the user's pc, and this is against the privacy policy of popularity-contest.
My work on Google Summer of Code is create a new strategy on AppRecommender, as described above, where this strategy should be able to get an referenced package, or a list of referenced packages, then analyze the users packages making a recommendation using the referenced packages such as base, example: if users run "$ sudo apt install vim", the AppRecommender use "vim" as referenced package, and should recommender packages with relation between "vim" and the other packages that user has installed. This new strategy can be implemented like a content-based strategy, or the collaborative strategy.
The first month of Google Summer of Code its destined to students knows the community of the project, so I talk with the Debian community about my project, to get feedback and ideas about the project. I talk with Debian community on IRC channels, and then came the idea to use the data of popularity-contest to improve the recommendations. Talking with my mentors, they approve the idea of usage popularity-contest data, so we started a discussion about how to use the popularity-contest data on AppRecommender without broken the privacy policy of popularity-contest.
Now my work on Google Summer of Code is create the new strategy for AppRecommender that can makes recommendation using a list of packages as reference, so as explained above, when user install packages like "sudo apt install vim vagrant", AppRecommender should recommends packages with relation between the packages "vim" and "vagrant", and this recommendation should be relation with the user profile. The other work its use the popularity-contest data to improve the recommendations of AppRecommender using a new model of collaborative strategies.

22 May 2016

Antonio Terceiro: Adopting pristine-tar

As of yesterday, I am the new maintainer of pristine-tar. As it is the case for most of Joey Hess creations, it is an extremely useful tool, and used in a very large number of Debian packages which are maintained in git. My first upload was most of a terrain recognition nature: I did some housekeeping tasks, such as making the build idempotent and making sure all binaries are built with security hardening flags, and wrote a few automated test cases to serve as build-time and run-time regression test suite. No functional changes have been made. As Joey explained when he orphaned it, there are a few technical challenges involved in making sure pristine-tar stays useful in the future. Although I did read some of the code, I am not particularly familiar with the internals yet, and will be more than happy to get co-maintainers. If you are interested, please get in touch. The source git repository is right there.

10 March 2016

Lunar: Reproducible builds: week 45 in Stretch cycle

What happened in the reproducible builds effort between February 28th and March 5th:

Toolchain fixes
  • Antonio Terceiro uploaded gem2deb/0.27 that forces generated gemspecs to use the date from debian/changelog.
  • Antonio Terceiro uploaded gem2deb/0.28 that forces generated gemspecs to have their contains file lists sorted.
  • Robert Luberda uploaded ispell/3.4.00-5 which make builds of hashes reproducible.
  • C dric Boutillier uploaded ruby-ronn/0.7.3-4 which will make the output locale agnostic. Original patch by Chris Lamb.
  • Markus Koschany uploaded spring/101.0+dfsg-1. Fixed by Alexandre Detiste.
Ximin Luo resubmitted the patch adding the --clamp-mtime option to Tar on Savannah's bug tracker. Lunar rebased our experimental dpkg on top of the current master branch. Changes in the test infrastructure are required before uploading a new version to our experimental repository. Reiner Herrmann rebased our custom texlive-bin against the latest uploaded version.

Packages fixed The following 77 packages have become reproducible due to changes in their build dependencies: asciidoctor, atig, fuel-astute, jekyll, libphone-ui-shr, linkchecker, maven-plugin-testing, node-iscroll, origami-pdf, plexus-digest, pry, python-avro, python-odf, rails, ruby-actionpack-xml-parser, ruby-active-model-serializers, ruby-activerecord-session-store, ruby-api-pagination, ruby-babosa, ruby-carrierwave, ruby-classifier-reborn, ruby-compass, ruby-concurrent, ruby-configurate, ruby-crack, ruby-css-parser, ruby-cucumber-rails, ruby-delorean, ruby-encryptor, ruby-fakeweb, ruby-flexmock, ruby-fog-vsphere, ruby-gemojione, ruby-git, ruby-grack, ruby-htmlentities, ruby-jekyll-feed, ruby-json-schema, ruby-listen, ruby-markerb, ruby-mathml, ruby-mini-magick, ruby-net-telnet, ruby-omniauth-azure-oauth2, ruby-omniauth-saml, ruby-org, ruby-origin, ruby-prawn, ruby-pygments.rb, ruby-raemon, ruby-rails-deprecated-sanitizer, ruby-raindrops, ruby-rbpdf, ruby-rbvmomi, ruby-recaptcha, ruby-ref, ruby-responders, ruby-rjb, ruby-rspec-rails, ruby-rspec, ruby-rufus-scheduler, ruby-sass-rails, ruby-sass, ruby-sentry-raven, ruby-sequel-pg, ruby-sequel, ruby-settingslogic, ruby-shoulda-matchers, ruby-slack-notifier, ruby-symboltable, ruby-timers, ruby-zip, ticgit, tmuxinator, vagrant, wagon, yard. The following packages became reproducible after getting fixed: Some uploads fixed some reproducibility issues, but not all of them: Patches submitted which have not made their way to the archive yet:
  • #816209 on elog by Reiner Herrmann: use printf instead of echo which is shell-independent.
  • #816214 on python-pip by Reiner Herrmann: removes timestamp from generated Python scripts.
  • #816230 on rows by Reiner Herrmann: tell grep to always treat the input as text.
  • #816232 on eficas by Reiner Herrmann: use printf instead of echo which is shell-independent.
Florent Daigniere and bancfc reported that linux-grsec was currently built with GRKERNSEC_RANDSTRUCT which will prevent reproducible builds with the current packaging. pbuilder has been updated to the last version to be able to support Build-Depends-Arch and Build-Conflicts-Arch. (Mattia Rizzolo, h01ger) New package sets have been added for Subgraph OS, which is based on Debian Stretch: packages and build dependencies. (h01ger) Two new armhf build nodes have been added (thanks Vagrant Cascadian) and integrated in our Jenkins setup with 8 new armhf builder jobs. (h01ger)

strip-nondeterminism development strip-nondeterminism version 0.016-1 was released on Sunday 28th. It will now normalize the POT-Creation-Date field in GNU Gettext .mo files. (Reiner Herrmann) Several improvements to the packages metadata have also been made. (h01ger, Ben Finney)

Package reviews 185 reviews have been removed, 91 added and 33 updated in the previous week. New issue: fileorder_in_gemspec_files_list. 43 FTBFS bugs were reported by Chris Lamb, Martin Michlmayr, and gregor herrmann.

Misc. After merging the patch from Dhiru Kholia adding support for SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH in rpm, Florian Festi opened a discussion on the rpm-ecosystem mailing list about reproducible builds. On March 4th, Lunar gave an overview of the general reproducible builds effort at the Internet Freedom Festival in Valencia.

5 March 2016

Antonio Terceiro: Debian Ruby Sprint 2016 - day 5: More Reproducible Builds, Retrospective, and A Little Bit of Tourism

Earlier today I was made aware by Holger of the results of our reproducibility efforts during the sprint. I would like to thank Lunar for pinging us about the issue, and Holger for pointing me to updated results. The figure below depicts a stacked area chart where the X axis is time and the green area is reproducible packages. Red is packages that fail to build, and Orange are unreproducible packages I was able to book accommodation for the sprint attendees very close to both my place and the sprint venue, what was very useful but also had this downside of them not being able to see much of city. As the final day of the sprint was getting closer, we decided to have a different lunch to allow them to see one of the most famous local landmarks, the botanical gardens. So we headed down to the botanical gardens, grabbed a few items for lunch at the park coffee shop, and set out to visit this very beautiful place. I have to say that there is the place were I usually take every visitor I have. We were joined by Gioavani who had just arrived for the the MiniDebconf on the following weekend. The final lists of accomplishments of the day was again very impressive By the end of the afternoon I asked everyone to fill out a simple retrospective list, what we can use later to make future sprints better and better. Below are the results we got. What was good: What could be better: The night ended at Bar do Alem o ( The German s Bar ). Both their beer and their food are very good, but I don t have enough elements to vouch for their authenticity. :) We were joined by Giovani (who we also met earlier in the botanic gardens), and by Paulo and Daniel who are organizing the MiniDebconf. And that is the end of this year s Debian Ruby team sprint. I hope we do it all over again next year.

